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Read more about 2INgage’s recent Community-Based Care (CBC) outcomes.

2INgage is the Community-Based Care (CBC) contractor in Region 2, a 30-county area including Abilene and Wichita Falls. 2INgage assumed child placement responsibilities December 2018 and case management services in June 2020. We currently serve approximately 1,315 children in care.

2INgage works diligently every day to strengthen children and families. Child safety & well-being is always our number one priority. Under the CBC model, children in Region 2 have remained safe, experienced fewer placements and are more likely to be placed with relatives within 60 days of entering foster care.

This hard work would not have been possible without our partnership with DFPS, our provider network and all the other important stakeholders in our local communities. CBC is working in Region 2. Texas children & families are stronger and we are creating brighter, healthier communities. Below are some additional key outcomes:

Timely Permanency

As soon as it is safe for a child to return home or be adopted, 2INgage ensures timely permanency. 2INgage currently has an average case length of 632 days for paid foster care, compared to the statewide average of 752 days. This means youth are getting home to their families quicker.
(FY 23 year-to-date)


Kinship Placements

2INgage is a leader when it comes to providing safe kinship placements. Over the past two fiscal years, 2INgage has seen an increase in the number of children being placed with a relative or kin, from 47% to 57%, in the first 60 days in care. Kinship placements are vitally important because they have been proven to help improve the overall wellbeing of children and helps them reach permanency faster.
(FY 21 to FY 23 year-to-date)


Keeping Kids in Texas

2INgage believes kids from Texas should stay in Texas. As such, we have one of the lowest numbers of children placed in congregate care in other states. Additionally, 2INgage has not had a child without placement in over two years. Kids are in their home state, in safe placements, where they need to be.
(April 2021 – April 2023)



Sibling Groups

While many regions in Texas are seeing a decrease in the number of siblings being placed together, 2INgage has seen an overall increase in the number of siblings being placed together, from 63% to 65%
(DFPS FY19 to DFPS FY22 Averages).